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Kamis, 18 November 2010

Welcome to the Plaosan Temple

welcome at temple plaosan
temple plaaosan situated at klaten, central java. precisely area persawahan direction north from temple prambanan, temple plaosan trbagi two areas that is temple plaosan lor (utara)dan plaosan kidul(selatan) this temple is before now at uss as place bersembayang in god. temple at get up by rakai this captivation bercorak buddha mahayana, this temple is very big likes temple prmbanan but a part the temple there that broken because quake in period formerly.

ticket price enters cheap with beauty and science at can. temple location plaosan close to member settlement so that rural district nuance very thick.temple plaosan very suited for visited good domestic tourist also manca country.

next temple photo plaosan:

About plaosan temple:
Plaosan temple lies in bugisan village,prambanan sub district, klaten regency, central java province. plaosan temple is buddha temple,it can seen from statue and built structure. in there, there are two central temples, they are plaosan north temple and plaosan south temple plaosan temple was built on 9th M.

Plaosan North temple
Plaosan north temple lies in the midle of rice field. There are altar of temple for praying, altar to create letter you, in plaosan north temple, a lot of temple are broken but plaosan temple still beatifull and interest to visit. In plaosan north temple also trhere are statueof walokiteswara and wajrapani. in araound of plaosan north temple also there are stupa perwara plaosan temple.

plaosan south temple
in plaosan south temple there are two perwara temple that finish a restoration. central south temple finish a restoration in 1960 and central north temple finish a restoration in 1997.

store room of plaosan temple
in store room use to save statue that broke because age. there are many thing of temple in there.